
Halloween (All Hallows Eve) is" Creeping Up" on us once again.A celebration which is observed in many counties on October 31st. Although Halloween celebrations as we know it, is a relatively new concept, it is worth noting that it probably originated as early as ancient Celtic times incorporated with Harvest Festivals.Through the centuries Halloween evolved and we now associate it with Trick- or Treating-Colourful costumes -- Apple Bobbing and Carving Pumpkins to name a few.Scottish & Irish immigrants to the USA  during the 1920`s appear to have introduced Halloween celebrations where it has become a major day for children to dress up and indulge themselves whilst wearing wonderful costumes.The shops are filled with everything Halloween from pumpkins, to costumes, spiders, bats, witches’ hats and all manner of orange and black food. It’s time now to plan your Halloween party or visit the best spooky events and scary attractions.